Friday, August 10, 2018




The world has transformed from knowledge savvy to techno knowledge savvy. The things should be available on one click. The Digital India programme comprises of various initiatives each targeted to prepare India for becoming a knowledge economy and for bringing good governance to citizens through synchronized and coordinated engagement of the entire government. Digital indicates to electronic technology which generates, stores and processes data. It is stored in a virtual central repository that can be accessed anytime, anywhere, through established protocols. Digital Technologies include Cloud Computing and Mobile Applications. Digital India is one of the step by the government to motivate and connect Indian Economy to a knowledge savvy world. The overall programme is focused to develop India for a knowledgeable future by developing central technology for allowing revolution which covers many departments under one umbrella programme .It is a well-known fact that digital India is the outcome of many innovations and technological advancements. These transform the lives of people in many ways and will empower the society in a better manner. The 'Digital India' programme, an initiative of honorable Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi, will emerge new progressions in every sector and generates innovative endeavors for get Next. The motive behind the concept is to build participative, transparent and responsive system. The Digital India drive is a dream project of the Indian Government to remodel India into a knowledgeable economy and digitally empowered society, with good governance for citizens by bringing synchronization and co-ordination in public accountability, digitally connecting and delivering the government programs and services to mobilize the capability of information technology across government departments. “Digital India” is an initiative of the Central Government of India “designed to transform India into a global digitized hub” by reviving a rundown digital sector of India with the help of improving digital connectivity and skill enhancement and various other incentives to make the country digitally empowered in the field of technology. This paper helps understand the global as well as domestic challenges that might hinder the successful implementation of the program and suggest some feasible remedies to deal with the same. Further the paper also highlights the opportunities that would pave the way for achieving the program’s aim of making India the preferred choice for digital activities by both global and domestic investors and also how far the “Digital India” model can prove to be an attraction for the investors to invest in the sectors which are yet to achieve their full potential in India.






Digital India is a large umbrella national programme that focuses at providing universal digital literacy and universal accessibility of all digital resources for citizens. The vision is centered on three key areas: creation of digital infrastructure, delivery of governance and services on demand, and digital empowerment of citizens. Digital India program will focus on restructuring several existing schemes to bring in a transformational impact. The vision of the programme aims to transform India into a digitally-empowered society and knowledge economy through infrastructural reforms such as high-speed internet in all gram panchayats, lifelong digital identification for citizens, mobile banking for all, easy access to Common Service Centers (CSC), shareable private spaces on an easily accessible public Cloud and cyber-security. The programme will also ensure that all government services and information are available anywhere, anytime, on any device that is easy-to-use, seamless, highly-available and secured. It is one of the step by the government to motivate and connect Indian Economy to a knowledge savvy world. The digital world that we live in today is that where every civilian has a bright prospect to transform the lives in many ways that were hard to envision just a couple of years ago. It is the outcome of several innovations and technology advances. Today, every nation wants to be fully digitalized that will empower society in a better manner. The 'Digital India' programme, an initiative of honorable Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi, will emerge new progressions in every sector and generates innovative endeavors for Next. The motive behind the concept is to build participative, transparent and responsive system. All educational institutions and government services will soon be able to provide I-ways round the clock. Digital India will provide all services electronically and promote digital literacy. Digital Technologies which includes the concept of cloud computing and mobile applications have emerged as the catalysts for express economic growth and citizen


empowerment. Companies all over the world desire to invest in Digital India- the 21st century India, as a growth opportunity. Hence, an attempt has been made in this paper to understand Digital India – as a campaign where technologies and connectivity will come together to make an impact on all aspects of governance and improve the quality of life of citizens. Global investors like Sundar Pichai, Satya Nadella, Elon Musk have supported Modi's Digital India initiative.

The “Digital India” initiative aims at availing digitizing of various individual projects of all central government and ministries like education, health services and other services, that can be delivered to citizens using Information and Communication Technology (ICT) by joining all the areas of India including the Gram Panchayats at high speed internet through broadband connectivity, in order to focus on the e-governance till 2019. It can also be viewed as the next step of already running National e-Governance Plan. In this program government will prefer to adopt Public Private Partnerships (PPP) wherever feasible for execution of this initiative.

For the smooth execution of this program, government will enhance National Informatics Centre which is responsible to carry IT projects in government departments. For faster design, develop and implement various e-Governance projects, in at least 10 key ministries positions of Chief Information Officers (CIO) will be created and necessary senior positions within the department will be created by Department of Electronics and IT (DeitY) for managing the initiative.

It is rightly said by the hon’ble Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi that Information Technology plays important role to make India a digital country, in his words “India Today(IT) + Information Technology(IT) = India Tomorrow(IT)”.


While embarking upon such an ambitious nationwide and allpervading programme, it is instructive to review the level at which the country stands at present in terms of its efforts towards digitisation. The programme will help delineate sectors which need special attention in order to speed up the process of digitisation on the one hand, and study its efficacy in reaching the intended targets and objectives of transformation of the techno economic environment and socioinstitutional operations on the other hand. While investing in activities leading to greater digitisation, it needs to be emphasised that returns to computerization are dependent upon—apart from capital investment—organisational capital, encompassing managerial culture, availability of critical skills and societal and regulatory environment. There have been attempts to develop a measure of cross country progress along the digitisation development path, simultaneously identifying measurable tangible elements and indicators of perceived digitisation metrics7. Identified elements include:

1. Ubiquity: It refers to the adoption of mobile and fixed broadband networks accounting for broadband accessibility and ownership of data devices such as PCs.

2. Affordability: The existence of affordable network links, which are critical to launching new applications and services.

3. Reliability: Faultless service would bind participants to the process of digitisation.

4. Speed: Signifies the status of country level international links and the capacity of the system to serve down the line.

5. Usage: It is the measure of use of digitisation infrastructure across economic, social and governmental environments.


6. Skills: Richness of skills will quicken the establishment and stabilisation of all other elements, including building up of capacities to take optimal advantage of the digital infrastructure.

Measuring the abovementioned elements and relevant 23 indicators, 150 countries were classified into three categories:

a) Constrained digital economies: Evidencing challenges in widespread access and affordability.

b) Emerging digital economies: Affordability and availability challenges have been addressed and yet reliability and other elements are lacking.

c) Transitional digital economies: Affordability, availability and reliability challenges stand addressed and challenges regarding speed, usage and skills are being addressed.

d) Advanced digital economies: Such countries have significantly made strides in creating all the six elements.

On the basis of the abovementioned classifications and digitisation index, India has been included in the group of constrained digital economies signifying that India at this stage (2015–2016) is wanting in all the six elements included in the exercise of indexation of digitisation. To catch up with the other economies, India will have to make quantum jumps as the pace of digitisation and movement between stages has been rapidly accelerating the world over. Such anticipation is based on the fact that the aspiring countries will now tread along the path chosen by the developed countries and take advantage of the latest technologies at reduced prices, making the process affordable. India’s decision to go for intensive digitisation is supported by the fact established by the study being quoted that an increase in digitisation of 10% points triggers 0.50% to 0.62% gain in the per capita GDP, which is significantly higher than the impact created by broadband penetration. Besides, digitization ,significant impact on the creation of jobs as well as on improving the innovation index of a country.


The study cautions that the social impact of digitisation is contingent upon a number of caveats. At lower levels of development, the contribution of digitisation to the wellbeing of the population will be attenuated in so far that primary needs are not addressed. Once these are met, achieving high level digitisation will contribute to social equality, human development, and access to basic services. As such, these goals will not be met unless digitisation promotion is complemented with traditional economic and social development policies. Digitisation is found to be critical but in no way a panacea for wider socioeconomic development.On all economic development counts and for generally inclusive growth of the constituent groups above minimum threshold of economic attainments currently, intensification of digitisation in the country as conceptualised by the government would stand justified. In a complex and diversified society like India where presently a large segment of people are below the economic threshold, it is necessary to accelerate the programmes for their upliftment with urgency so that such sections also get to avail of the benefits of digitisation programme so as to make the digitisationbased growth truly inclusive. Social sector programmes would gain in quality and impact with the spillover advantages of digitalbased processes that will become integral to the delivery chain in the social sector.

The vision of Digital India encompasses that by the end of 2019, India would emerge as an Advanced Digital Economy from the present stage of a Constrained Digital Economy. Accordingly, its programme content ensures: high speed internet as a core facility for the citizens who will have a “cradle to grave digital identity” with a capacity to participate in digital and financial space, access to common service centre with assurance of private space on a public cloud, and a safe and secure cyberspace. Government will ensure the availability of its online services in real time, seamlessly integrating across departments and jurisdictions. Also, business and the financial transactions would be made cashless.


Target beneficiaries of governments programme will have built in Geographical Information System support to ensure that intended beneficiaries get included adequately. For giving effect to this part of the vision, it is necessary to have Universal Digital Literacy with universal access to digital resources in their own language in order to encourage and empower citizens to participate in governance on collaborative digital platforms and extract their entitlements through cloud computing.

It is proposed that by 2016, 250,000 Gram Panchayats will have broadband facility; i.e. covering the entire rural India. Broad coverage in urban areas would be intensified by mandating communication infrastructure in new urban development and buildings by bringing about changes in rules. Nationwide coverage will be accomplished by 2017. Universal access to mobile connectivity will come about by 2018. On the strength of such an infrastructure being established, it is expected that by 2017, government programmes will reach 2,50,000 Gram Panchayats (GP) and Post Offices (PO) across the country. GPs and POs will serve as Multiservice Centres. Besides, the government will reform its governance with a view to improve transactions, ensuring simpler and lesser number of forms, and introduction of tracking facilities with interface between departments. Online repositories will be available for school certificates, voter ID cards, driving licenses, etc. All government databases will be electronic, including the workflow which will also be automated. Public grievances would be dealt with and monitored with an eye on persistent and recurring problems with a view to reforming the system as necessary.

For according practicality to the above objective, it would be necessary to bring about eKranti across different segments of society and also among all state organs, including judiciary and policy. Towards this end it is proposed that all schools be connected using broadband with free wifi facility, and digital literacy programmes be included in the curricula. Besides, there will be Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs). Similarly, use


of internet in healthcare is also envisaged: online medical consultation, online maintenance of medical records, and online sale of prescribed medicines. Besides, there would be pan India exchange for patient information. GIS (Geographic Information System) in planning and decisionmaking will get integrated.

Through the use of extensive infrastructure as above, farmers will be able to order inputs online and ascertain real time prices of commodities and also cash transactions on different counts, which include receiving entitlements from government.

With the availability of panIndia network, emergency services will become mobile. It will also usher in financial inclusion through mobile banking. Even the traditional police stations will be converted into epowered police stations, which will bring about more transparency between police and citizens. With the panIndia network becoming operational, it will be possible to centrally monitor cyber security centres.

Prime Minister would chair the monitoring committee on Digital India to oversee the progress of the programmes designed to meet the objectives contained in the vision. Overall cost of Digital India programme has been placed at Rs 1,13,000 crore, which includes the 1,00,000 crore cost of ongoing schemes in different ministries and departments of the government. Thus, cost of 13,000 crore is towards fulfilling the gaps and enabling skill development, developing standards to ensure interoperability and acquiring common application software. By end of 2019, 2.5 lac villages will have broadband access along with universal phone connectivity; 4,00,000 public internet access points, wifi hotspot for schools, colleges and citizenry; and, 1.7 crore will be directly employed in IT sector and at least 8.5 lakh will be employed indirectly. Besides, it is expected that the net imports of the sector will be brought down to zero by 202010. Government is certain that there will be no financial constraints for implementing the programmes because the outgoing programmes—for which investment is already committed—would be restructured towards realization of the objectives of Digital India.The government has acknowledged that it will


face unprecedented implementation challenges and that, too, of gigantic magnitude.

As the process of digitisation in India gets going, integrating the use of digital tools into public sector modernisation efforts would be huge. Public sector capacities, workflows, business processes, operations, methodologies and frameworks need to be adapted to the rapidly evolving dynamics and relations between the stakeholders that are

already empowered by the digital environment. Resulting open approach to policy

making and public service delivery will require that the government reorganises itself around user expectations rather than its own internal logic and needs. Towards this end, government strategy for digital India needs to become firmly embedded in mainstream modernisation policies and service design so that relevant stakeholders outside the government are included and feel ownership for the final outcomes of policy reform. Such a shift in the objective of digital technologies in shaping public governance outcomes will require use of such technologies in all areas and levels of the administration as have been envisaged in the implementation programme of the Digital India project. However, government remains organised around its units, each with clear responsibilities and processes, as well as problems to integrate their ways of working. This presents a challenge to creating broad political commitment for integration of digital government into overall public sector reform strategies. Government will have to ensure that its own capacity, norms, structures and risk management models are aligned with its strategic digital vision, and viceversa. At the same time, the government will have to contend with the organisational maturity of its public sector institutions in relation to project management methods and approaches to optimise the impact and results of its investments towards

Digital India. It would be extremely imperative to establish more effective coordination mechanism, stronger capacities and framework conditions to improve digital technologies’ effectiveness for delivering public value and strengthening citizen trust.

In India, earlier the government would put up the existing processes and products


online, but in the reformed Digital India, it will have to redesign the already established technological systems in response to its vision of a common platform.

Government will do well to take into account the recommendations of the Council on Digital Government Strategies as enunciated in the Ministerial Council Meeting while considering the agenda on “Trust in Government: Evidence, Policies and Decision making”16 at this stage of the implementation of the Digital India Programme. The programme, which has been conceived at the behest of the highest level in political hierarchy, foresees interministerial cooperation and collaboration towards the outlined priorities with the expectation that relevant agencies across levels of government would engage themselves in pursuing the Digital India agenda. The elements of the Digital India programme accommodate all of the recommendations of the OECD referred to above. So in theoretical framework, the Digital India programme will be a stateoftheart network. How far the strategy would yield results in meeting the desired objectives would largely depend on factors which are outside the realm of technologies and tools for digitisation. Those are rooted in the organisational maturity and commitment of the systems within the government and also dependent on public support, overcoming the shackles of historical and cultural traits and the installed wisdom which feels threatened with the transformations that will sweep them off their feet.

In fact, the political allies in the ruling echelon may in the name of security concerns focus on the “dark” side of digital society, masking the reality that even the security threats would be responded to in an effective way only by a wellversed digital India with a strong command over digital tools. It will be able to exact international protocols in collaboration with many other similarly placed countries concerned with the digital security in the economic and strategic matters. This will help protect national interests of the participating countries—which have been left out from the fruits of development so far—and be given their rightful place in an internet enabled environment.



Digital India” initiative has been an intriguing subject matter of numerous researches from various disciplines because of its great significance and influence on the economy as a whole and particularly the technological sector. Being a recent move, there have been various researches on different aspects of the initiative ranging from the economical to social and ethical dimensions. Some of these researches retrieved through internet searches have been reviewed here.

Prof. Singh began with the basic overview of what Digital India entails and led a discussion of conceptual structure of the program and examined the impact of “Digital India” initiative on the technological sector of India. He concluded that this initiative has to be supplemented with amendments in labor laws of India to make it a successful campaign.

Sundar Pichai, Satya Nadella, Elon Musk researched about Digital India and its preparedness to create jobs opportunities in the information sector. He concluded that creating new jobs should be continued with shifting more workers into high productivity jobs in order to provide long term push to the technological sector in India.

Microsoft CEO, Satya Nadella intends to become India’s partner in Digital India program. He said that his company will set up low cost broadband technology services to 5lakhs villages across the country.

Arvind Gupta intends to say that Digital India movement will play an important role in effective delivery of services, monitoring performance managing projects, and improving governance. An Integrated Office of Innovation & Technology to achieve the same ,and for problem solving, sharing applications and knowledge management will be the key to rapid results, given that most departments work on their own silos. Tracking and managing the projects assume significance because India has been busy spending


money in buying technology that we have not used effectively or in some cases not even reached its implementation stage. Sharing, learning’s need to be best practices across departments Tracking and managing the projects assumes significance because India has been busy spending money in buying technology that we have not used effectively or in some cases not even reached implementation stage. Sharing learning’s and best practices across departments needs to be driven by this Office of Technology.

Rajan Anandan, Managing Director at Google India, said: “Enabling content consumption in local Indian languages can greatly push the Internet consumption up.”

Bipin Preet Singh, Founder and CEO at MobiKwik, said “Consumers can overcome the trust factor in online payments,”

Aloke Bajpai, Co-founder and CEO of meta search site, said: “While the growth in desktop is almost zero, it’s terrific on mobile,” “It is not only mobile first anymore but mobile only soon. Will have to see whether to work any further on evolving our desktop experience.”

Dhruv Shringi, CEO of, said: “The next thing to aim for travel companies is personalisation of travel purchases such as hotels and holiday packages as also using predictive computing to understand and predict consumer behaviour and reacting to it.”




The main objectives of this desertation paper is to get the answers of the following.

· What is “Digital India Campaign and Programme?

· What are the objectives behind it?

· How it will be implemented?

· What is the cost of Implementation?

· How much will it impact on Economy?

The main objectives of the Desertation paper are trying to get the answers of the above questions.


This study attempts to explain the impact of digitization on the development of Rural India. It is based on secondary data that is collected through different sources like newspaper, internet, government websites, journals etc.

Data collection

The secondary data has been collected. For this purpose, various magazines and journals have been used as it is a conceptual paper. Thus, the focus is to know more about the concept, its application and the impact on economy via other parameters. Therefore, qualitative and quantitative data have been used.


Limitations of the study

Limitations of Each and every Study which will be based on secondary data as common because data is Secondary some of the Limitations of the Research paper is as follows

1. The study is based on published data and information. No primary data is being collected.

2. Every care has been taken to entice qualitative and correct data; still secondary data have collected for the purposes other than problem at hand.

3. The objectives, nature and methods used to collect secondary data may not be appropriate to the present situation.

4. Secondary data may be lacking in accuracy, or they may not be completely current or dependable.

5. Time constraint remained the major limitation in the study

6. The biasness can always be there.

7. Before using secondary data, it is important to evaluate them on above mentioned factors. So, it consumes the same time as the primary data.



The programme contains tasks that target to make sure that govt. services are available to people digitally and people get advantage of the newest information and connections technological innovation. Gandhiji felt that 'India resides in its villages,' and technology will help the villages to grow and prosper. Digital libraries, online magazines, e-books can be made available for free which will further help in knowledge sharing. PM Modi rightly said in his speech in San Jose, "I see technology as a means to empower and as a tool that bridges the distance between hope and opportunity. Social media is reducing social barriers. It connects people on the strength of human values, not identities." Technology is a bridge indeed, a bridge that connects the hope that India's villages will be educated and aware to the opportunity of internet and access to information from across the world. 'Digital India' is not just an initiative but a need for this country, where majority of population still does not have access to the world of internet. The Digital India initiative seeks to lay emphasis on e- governance and transform India into a digitally empowered society. It is to ensure that government services are available to citizens electronically. Digital India also aims to transform ease of doing business in the country. The Department of Electronics and Information Technology (deitY) anticipates that this program will have a huge impact on the Ministry of Communication and IT. The program is projected at Rs 1, 13,000 crore which will prepare the country for knowledge-based transformation.

It will focus on providing high speed internet services to its citizens and make services available in real time for both online and mobile platform. Modi's government is focussing on providing broadband services in all villages of the country, tele-medicine and mobile healthcare services and making the governance more participative.

The initiative also includes plan to connect rural areas with high-speed internet networks.


Digital India has three core components.

These include:

· The creation of digital infrastructure

· Delivering services digitally

· Digital literacy.

The project is slated for completion by 2019. A two-way platform will be created where both the service providers and the consumers stand to benefit. The scheme will be monitored and controlled by the Digital India Advisory group which will be chaired by the Ministry of Communications and IT. It will be an inter-ministerial initiative where all ministries and departments shall offer their own services to the public Healthcare, Education, Judicial services etc. The Public-private-partnership model shall be adopted selectively. In addition, there are plans to restructure the National Informatics Centre. This project is one among the top priority projects of the Modi Administration.

The initiative is commendable and deserves full support of all stakeholders. However, the initiative also lacks many crucial components including lack of legal framework, absence of privacy and data protection laws, civil liberties abuse possibilities, lack of parliamentary oversight for e-surveillance in India, lack of intelligence related reforms in India, insecure Indian cyberspace, etc. These issues have to be managed first before introducing Digital India initiative in India. Digital India project is worth exploring and implementation despite its shortcomings that can be rectified before its implementation.


Benefits of Digital India Programme

· It makes possible the implementation of digital locker system which in turn reduces paper work by minimizing the usage of physical documents as well as enabling e-sharing through registered repositories.

· It ensures the achievement of various online goals set by the government.

· It makes possible for people to submit their documents and certificates online anywhere which reduces physical work.

· Citizens may digitally sign their documents online through e-Sign framework

· It will ease the important health care services through e-Hospital system such as online registration, taking doctor appointments, fee payment, online diagnostic tests, blood check-up, etc.

· It provides benefits to the beneficiaries through National Scholarship Portal by allowing submission of application, verification process, sanction and then disbursal.

· It is a huge platform which facilitates an efficient delivery of government or private services all over the country to its citizens.

· Bharat Net programe (a high-speed digital highway) will connect almost 250,000 gram panchayats of country.

· There is a plan of outsourcing policy also to help in the digital India initiative.

· For better management of online services on mobile such as voice, data, multimedia, etc,

BSNL’s Next Generation Network will replace 30-year old telephone exchange.



Other Benefits of digital India project

1) Peoples Benefits: -

a) It benefits people of India in every village in terms of knowledge improve by using internet day to day life.

b) Each person will be having bank account, it will help money savings and it helps financially strong .it also helps indirect countries economy growths)

c) It helps reducing their time for banking work (In rural banks if you wanted to deposit money or withdraw money it takes one day time for to wait big queue).

d) Totally he can benefit in all aspects.

2) Country Growth:-

a) Mainly country will get boost to Economic growth.

b) Employment Creation.

c) Production limit gets increase

d) Country can get benefited in many sector, such as agriculture, rural E-education etc.






Digital India Programme and it’s Impimentation

The vision of Digital India National programme is path breaking and has the potential for transformational changes and upliftment of rural sector of India. The plan to provide universal phone connectivity and access to broadband in 2.5 lakh villages by 2019 is going to give a boost to the rural market. Setting up manufacturing facility in India to produce large scale low cost devices, the proposal of shared use of mobile devices by families in rural markets, sharing of infrastructure cost by mobile service providers and government offering to subsidise the roll out cost of mobile services are examples of increasing the speed of providing such services within the reach of villages. Several apps have been launched to enable farmers get accurate and timely information related to crops, market prices and analytics to enhance productivity and profitability of farmers. The digital platform will open a new era for rural citizens through a variety of services like improved governance, land records, jobs, health, education and agriculture and digitization of personal and public records for safekeeping.World's largest software maker Microsoft Corp has joined hands with the Indian Government for providing help in efforts to "transform" the country through technological innovations.

Intel India has also announced the launch of ‘EkKadamUnnati Ki Aur’, an initiative aimed at working with the government to create the blueprint for the digitization of rural India. The first such Digital India ‘Unnati’ Kendra has been set up at a Common Services Center (CSC) in Nadimpalle village of Mahabubnagar district of Telangana.


Empowerment of rural entrepreneurs under ‘Digital India’

Digital India programme has launched many schemes that focuses on the empowerment of rural entrepreneurs of India.One of such schemes is enhancing Rural Entrepreneurship through Common Services Centres (CSCs).Rural entrepreneurs can get loan for setting up their CSCs under the Micro Units Development and Refinance Agency (MUDRA) Yojana. CSCs are information and communications technology enabled service delivery points at the village level for delivery of government, financial, social and private services such as applying online passports, land record, digital locker and Aadhaar cards. Those who want to start such service points but do not have funds can start their micro-ventures by taking loans under MUDRA Yojana.

Another scheme for promoting rural entrepreneurship under Digitial India Programme is through Internet Kiosks. Internet Kiosk is a kiosk with one or more computers, a tablet, Internet connection, with a web cam that can be the set up in villages to be used as the hub of rural connectivity for providing education and training, information about agriculture and health care, employment news and market information. These cyber-kiosks can be run by local entrepreneurs thereby empowering the rural entrepreneurship.

Digital India and Empowerement of Rural Indian Women

Empowerment of women of a nation leads to the successful growth and development of a nation. Digital India Programme has set the stage for empowering the Rural Indian Women. Following are some of the steps taken by Indian Government under Digital India programme for empowering rural women:

ArogyaSakhi helps rural women developing their own personality in order to providing health care to the rural area. It’s a mobile application that helps rural women entrepreneurs deliver preventive health care at rural doorsteps. Women armed with tablets


and mobile healthcare devices like glucometers, blood pressure checking machine visit homes and collect data from the village women. This data can be accessed by doctors at any location who could provide treatment to the patients remotely.

Internet Saathi aims to go deep with the internet usage among rural women in India. Ratan Tata has joined hands with Google and Intel to help women in rural India to access the internet in large number. The three-way project Internet Saathi will deploy 1000 specially designed bicycles with connected devices to give villagers an altogether new internet experience.

The Amakomaya Project (Nepal) aims at of providing Nepali rural women with lifesaving digital content in their own local language via the Internet. It serves a social cause which is to providing pregnant women during and after pregnancy advices. By this way, it helps reducing population and diseases in new born children. With the high mobile tapping, the program has expanded with a mobile platform, and it also connects rural health workers with urban based hospital doctors.

W2E2 (India)Women for Empowerment and Entrepreneurship, in short W2E2 is helping rural women with digital tools, e-learning, internet connection. Women tend to use the Internet for their own projects in fields like sustainable agriculture and rural health. Some are setting up their own kiosks and shops to provide online services to the local community, while others have taken up work as digital literacy trainers in their own local communities.


Major Sector under Digital India Programme Communication

Infrastructure and Services


BSNL Next Generation Network

BSNL Wi-Fi Services


Digital Locker

National Scholarships

Portal e-Hospital/ORS


Digitize India Platform (DIP)

Portals / Apps

Digital India Portal, Mobile App & Book

MyGov Mobile App

Swachh Bharat Mission App

Institutions and Policies

National Centre for Flexible Electronics

Centre of Excellence for Internet of Things (IoT)

e-Governance Policy Initiatives Under Digital India

Electronics Development Fund (EDP) Policy


Indian Railway

E Ticket SMS

Service E


Online Reservation System

State Transport Service Cab


BUS  Ticket  Mobile


Many more…………………

Status of Digital India

Digital India is in the progress mode till the month of November 2014. The Apex Committee is going to analyze its progress very soon. Media repor
ts have also hinted at development of policies for Digital India very soon. If correctly implemented, Digital India project can change the way public services would be delivered in India in the near future.

As the part of "Digital India" Indian government planned to launch Botnet cleaning centers. Government also launched a digital locker under the name "Digi Locker". Modi appointed Kruti Tiwari as brand ambassador for Digital India.

Digital India Week

At the launch ceremony of Digital India Week by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, top CEOs from India and abroad committed to invest Rs 4.5 lakh crore towards this initiative.


The CEOs said the investments would be utilities towards making smartphones and internet devices at an affordable price in India which would help generate jobs in India as well as reduce the cost of importing them from abroad. 9 Key points of Digital India Programme are as follow

· Broadband Highways

· Universal Access to Phones

· Public Internet Access Programme

· e-Governance – Reforming government through Technology

· e-Kranti – Electronic delivery of services

· Information for All

· Electronics Manufacturing – Target NET ZERO Imports

· IT for Jobs

· Early Harvest Programmes

Reliance Industries Chairman Mukesh Ambani said his company would invest Rs 2.5 lakh crore across different Digital India heads, which have the potential to create employment for over five lakh people.He also announced setting up of the 'Jio Digital India Start Up Fund' to encourage young entrepreneurs who are setting up businesses focused around the Digital India initiative.

Early Harvest Programmes

Early Harvest Programme basically consists of those projects which are to be implemented within short timeline. The projects under the Early Harvest Programme are as follows:

IT Platform for Messages: A mass messaging application has been developed by DeitY that will cover elected representatives and all Government employees. Over 1.36 crore mobiles and 22 lakh emails are part of the database. The portal was released on 15th August 2014. Data collection and data sanitization are ongoing processes. Government


Greetings to be e-Greetings Government Greetings to be e-Greetings: A basket of e-Greeting templates have been made available. Crowd sourcing of e-Greetings through the MyGov platform has been ensured. Crowd sourcing has also been used to create designs for Independence Day, Teachers’ Day and Gandhi Jayanti greetings. E-Greetings portal has been made live on 14th August 2014.

Biometric attendance: It will cover all Central Government offices in Delhi to begin with. Over 40,000 Government employees from 150 organisations have already registered on the common Bio-metric attendance portal at (link is external) Over 1000 bio-metric attendance terminals are under installation at entry gates of various Central Government buildings which will be connected with Wi-Fi Access points and mobile connectivity. Government employees will be able to mark their attendance from any of the central Government offices in Delhi.

Wi-Fi in All Universities: All universities on the National Knowledge Network (NKN) shall be covered under this scheme. Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) is the nodal ministry for implementing this scheme. Secure Email within Government Secure Email within Government: Email would be the primary mode of communication within government. The government e-mail infrastructure would be suitably enhanced and upgraded. Up-gradation of the infrastructure under Phase-I for 10 lakh employees has already been completed. Under Phase-II, infrastructure would be further upgraded to cover 50 lakh employees by March 2015 at a cost of Rs.98 Cr. DeitY is the nodal department for this scheme.

Digital India Week

Digital India, a flagship Programme of the Government of India, aims to “transform India into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy”. This Programme centers on three key vision areas of “Infrastructure as a Utility to Every Citizen”, “Governance and Services on Demand” and “Digital Empowerment of Citizens”. The Digital India Week is a mega event planned for national launch of the Digital India Programme. This


national event will have participation of all Central Ministries/ Departments and all States/UTs.

Vision of Digital India Week

To formally launch the Programme, a one week Programme in the coming month comprising of awareness and communication events will be ear-marked as the Digital India Week .

· To Effectively deliver the message of Digital India

· Expand visibility of Digital India by way of effective branding across various platforms with special focus on new media and public interface touch points.

· To establish credibility of message by ensuring value proposition in terms of demonstration of service delivery to citizens by converging existing and new services, usage of digital infrastructure under Digital India

· Sustained connection with people by identifying and engaging serious stakeholders through ICT platform and increasing the demand for e-services.

· Communication in vernacular languages as far as possible

Digital India Week Objectives

· Inform, educate and engage with citizens through organization of events at large number of Digital Points of Presence such as CSCs/ Post Offices, Schools, Gram Panchayats etc

· Connect all citizens through Digital Media campaigns and events

· Inform all about the vision, services and benefits of the Program

· Popularize and expand the reach of existing e-services, plan and launch new services

· Educate citizens on functional digital literacy, cyber security, cyber hygiene, ensure better utilization of Digital infrastructure during the DI Week and beyond
· Incentivize, motivate and connect citizens with the Digital India Program.


Digital Technologies which include Cloud Computing and Mobile Applications have emerged as catalysts for rapid economic growth and citizen empowerment across the globe. Digital technologies are being increasingly used by us in everyday lives from retail stores to government offices. They help us to connect with each other and also to share information on issues and concerns faced by us. In some cases they also enable resolution of those issues in near real time. The objective of the Digital India Group is to come out with innovative ideas and practical solutions to realise Hon’ble Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision of a digital India. Prime Minister Modi envisions transforming our nation and creating opportunities for all citizens by harnessing digital technologies. His vision is to empower every citizen with access to digital services, knowledge and information. This Group will come up with policies and best practices from around the world to make this vision of a digital India a reality.

The journey of e-Governance initiatives in India took a broader dimension in mid 90s for wider sectoral applications with emphasis on citizen-centric services. Later on, many States/UTs started various e-Governance projects. Though these e-Governance projects were citizen-centric, they could make lesser than the desired impact. Government of India launched National e- Governance Plan (NeGP) in 2006. 31 Mission Mode Projects covering various domains were initiated. Despite the successful implementation of many e-Governance projects across the country, e-Governance as a whole has not been able to make the desired impact and fulfil all its objectives.

It has been felt that a lot more thrust is required to ensure e-Governance in the country promote inclusive growth that covers electronic services, products, devices and job opportunities. Moreover, electronic manufacturing in the country needs to be strengthened.

In order to transform the entire ecosystem of public services through the use of information technology, the Government of India has launched the Digital India programme with the vision to transform India into a digitally empowered society and


knowledge economy.


Digital India comprises of various initiatives under the single programme each targeted to prepare India for becoming a knowledge economy and for bringing good governance to citizens through synchronized and co-ordinated engagement of the entire Government. Nine projects have been undertaken. These are as follows:

1. Highways to have broadband services: Government aims to lay national optical fibre network in all 2.5 lakh gram panchayats. Broadband for the rural will be laid by December 2016 and broadband for all urban will mandate communication infrastructure in new urban development and buildings. By March 2017, the government aims to provide nationwide information infrastructure.

2. Easy access to mobile connectivity: The government is taking steps to ensure that by 2018 all villages are covered through mobile connectivity. The aim is to increase network penetration and cover gaps in all 44,000 villages.

3. IT Training for Jobs: This initiative seeks to train 10 million people in towns and villages for IT sector jobs in five years. It also aims to train 0.3 million agents to run viable businesses delivering IT services. Additionally, the project involves training of 0.5 million rural IT workforce in five years and setting up of BPOs in each North-eastern state.

4. Manufacturing of electronics: The government is focusing on zero imports of electronics. In order to achieve this, the government aims to put up smart energy meters, micro ATMs, mobile, consumer and medical electronics.

5. Provide public access to internet: The government aims to provide internet services to 2.5 lakh villages which comprises of one in every panchayat by March


2017 and

1.5 lakh post offices in the next two years. These post offices will become Multi-Service centres for the people.

6. E-Governance: The government aims to improve processes and delivery of services through e-Governance with UIDAI, payment gateway, EDI and mobile platforms. School certificates, voter ID cards will be provided online. This aims for a faster examination of data.

7. E-Kranti: This service aims to deliver electronic services to people which deals with health, education, farmers, justice, security and financial inclusion.

8. Global Information: Hosting data online and engaging social media platforms for governance is the aim of the government. Information is also easily available for the citizens.

9. is a website launched by the government for a 2-way communication between citizens and the government. People can send in their suggestions and comment on various issues raised by the government, like net neutrality.

10. Early harvest programs: Government plans to set up Wi-Fi facilities in all universities across the country. Email will be made the primary mode of communication. Aadhar Enabled Biometric Attendance System will be deployed in all central government offices where recording of attendance will be made online.


Digital Empowerment of Citizens

E-governance initiatives in India took a broader dimension in the mid-1990s for wider sectorial applications with emphasis on citizen-centric services. The major ICT initiatives of the Government included, inter alia, some major projects such as railway computerization, land record computerization, etc. which focused mainly on the development of information systems. Later on, many states started ambitious individual e-governance projects aimed at providing electronic services to citizens.

Though these e-governance projects were citizen-centric, they could make less than the desired impact due to their limited features. The isolated and less interactive systems revealed major gaps that were thwarting the successful adoption of e-governance along the entire spectrum of governance. They clearly pointed towards the need for a more comprehensive planning and implementation for the infrastructure required to be put in place, interoperability issues to be addressed, etc. to establish a more connected government.

e- Kranti : National e-Governance Plan 2.0

The national level e-Governance programme called National e-Governance Plan was initiaited in 2006. There were 31 Mission Mode Projects under National e-Governance Plan covering a wide range of domains, viz. agriculture, land records, health, education, passports, police, courts, municipalities, commercial taxes, treasuries etc. 24 Mission Mode Projects have been implemented and started delivering either full or partial range of envisaged services.

Considering the shortcomings in National e-Governance Plan that included lack of


integration amongst Government applications and databases, low degree of government process reengineering, scope for leveraging emerging technologies like mobile, cloud…etc, Government of India has approved the e-Kranti programme recently with the vision of “Transforming e- Governance for Transforming Governance”.

All new and on-going eGovernance projects as well as the existing projects, which are being revamped, should now follow the key principles of e-Kranti namely ‘Transformation and not Translation’, ‘Integrated Services and not Individual Services’, ‘Government Process Reengineering (GPR) to be mandatory in every MMP’, ‘ICT Infrastructure on Demand’, ‘Cloud by Default’, ‘Mobile First’, ‘Fast Tracking Approvals’, ‘Mandating Standards and Protocols’, ‘Language Localization’, ‘National GIS (Geo-Spatial Information System)’, ‘Security and Electronic Data Preservation’.

The portfolio of Mission Mode Projects has increased from 31 to 44 MMPs. Many new social sector projects namely Women and Child Development, Social Benefits, Financial Inclusion, Urban Governance, eBhasha…etc have been added as new MMPs under e-Kranti.

Estimated Cost

Overall Costs of Digital India initiative

is approx Rs. 1.13 lakh crore for ongoing schemes as well as new schemes and activities. To jointly explore opportunities for collaboration on implementing this ambitious initiative, India and the United States have already agreed for the same.



1. Digital Locker System aims to minimize the usage of physical documents and enable sharing of e-documents across agencies.The sharing of the e-documents will be done through registered repositories thereby ensuring the authenticity of the documents online.

2. has been implemented as a platform for citizen engagement in governance, through a "Discuss", "Do" and "Disseminate" approach.The mobile app for MyGov would bring these features to users on a mobile phone.

3. Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM) Mobile app would be used by people and Government organizations for achieving the goals of Swachh Bharat Mission.

4. eSign framework would allow citizens to digitally sign a document online using Aadhaar authentication.

5. The Online Registration System (ORS) under the e-Hospital application has been introduced.It provides important services such as online registration, payment of fees and appointment, online diagnostic reports, enquiring availability of blood online etc.

6. National Scholarships Portal is said to be a one stop solution for end to end scholarship process right from submission of student application, verification, sanction and disbursal to end beneficiary for all the scholarships provided by the Government of India.



7. DeitY has undertaken an initiative namely Digitize India Platform (DIP) for large scale digitization of records in the country that would facilitate efficient delivery of services to the citizens.

8. Bharat Net, a high speed digital highway to connect all 2.5 lakh Gram Panchayats of country. This would be the world's largest rural broadband connectivity project using optical fiber.

9. Policy initiatives have also been undertaken by DeitY in the e- Governance domain.

ü e-Kranti Framework

ü Policy on Open Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), Adoption of Open Source Software, E-mail, and use of IT Resources Collaborative Application Development, for Government of India.
ü Framework for Adoption of Open Source Software in e- Governance Systems.

ü Opening the Source Code of Government Applications. Application Development & Re-Engineering Guidelines for Cloud Ready Applications.



Areas covered /Initiatives

Technology for Education
(1) All Schools connected with broadband

(E-Education )
(2) Free Wi-Fi in all schools

(3) Digital Literacy Program

(4) MOOCs –development pilot Massive online open


Technology for Health
On Line Medical Consultant & Medical supply

On Line availability On Line records

Patient Information on a PAN Basis s

Technology for Farmers
Real time Price information

On Line ordering of inputs

On Line Cash Loan, relief payment with mobile banking

Technology For Planning
GIS Based Decision Making

National GIS Mission Mode Project

Technology for Security
(1) Mobile emergency Services

Technology for Financial
Mobile Banking

Micro-ATM Programme

CSCs/Post Office

Technology for Justice
E.Courts,E-Police E Jails,E.Prosecution

Technology for Security
(1) National Cyber Security Co-ordination Center

10. BSNL has introduced Next Generation Network (NGN), to replace 30 year old exchanges, which is an IP based technology to manage all types of services like voice, data, multimedia/ video and other types of packet switched communication services.

11. BSNL has undertaken large scale deployment of Wi-Fi hotspots throughout the country. The user can latch on the BSNL Wi-Fi network through their mobile devices.

12. BPO Policy has been approved to create BPO centers in different North Eastern states and also in smaller / mofussil towns of other states.

13. Electronics Development Fund (EDF) Policy aims to promote Innovation, R&D,


and Product Development and to create a resource pool of IP within the country to create a self-sustaining eco-system of Venture Funds

14. National Centre for Flexible Electronics (NCFlexE) is an initiative of Government of India to promote research and innovation in the emerging area of Flexible Electronics.

15. Centre of Excellence on Internet on Things (IoT) is a joint initiative of Department of Electronics & Information Technology (DeitY), ERNET and


Other Initiatives

Digital India is in the progress mode from the month of November 2014. Various programs and/or services based on PPP of Digital India program are:

• National Digital Literacy Mission (NDLM)

The key to Digital India program is Digital Literacy. It ensures digital literacy to disadvantaged community by “reaching out the unreached”. The digital literacy program is in progress through NDLM which makes rural citizens digitally literate by various training and building programs.


• Digital Empowerment Foundation (DEF)

DEF with aim to ‘Inform, Communicate and Empower,’ started its journey in December, 2002. It is registered as not- for-profit under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860. It finds feasible ICT solutions in under-served and unreached regions and communities.It has reached over 22 States and 8 countries, since 2003.

The various projects carried out by DEF are:

CWIRC (Chanderi Weavers ICT Resource Centre)

oDigital Panchayat

oSoochna Seva

EMSME (Digital Empowerment Foundation for Micro, Medium and Small Enterprises)

ENGO (web service package design)

oSocial Media for Democracy

oWforC (Wireless for Community)

oMobile for Good

oDKC (Digital Knowledge Centre)

oGreen Prakriya


CIRC (Community Information Resource Centre)



o Neerjaal

o Internet Rights

o The E-Heritage Project

• Digitization of cable TV

As part of Digital India initiative, the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (MIB) has taken initiative of converting the TV broadcasting from analog to digital in various phases in India. By the end of 2015 overall Indian television will be digitized proving good audio/video quality to each customer even in the rural area.

• Digital Locker or Digi Locker (Beta version)

Ministry of Communications and Information Technology as part of Digital India initiative has developed DigiLocker to provide each citizen a personal storage dedicated to the individual so that e-documents as well Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) link of e-documents issued by various issuer departments. The e-documents can also be signed by using e-sign facility of the Digi Locker. The Digi Locker will also be linked with the Aadhar number of the same.

• National Optical Fiber Network (NOFN)

NOFN project will provide a way to implement various services, such as e-health, e-education and e-governance establishing broadband connectivity on optical fiber to 2,50,000 village panchayats across India. The Network thus forms the core of PM Modi’s ambitious ‘Digital India’ project. Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd.(BSNL) is working in different phases for same.


Estimated Outcomes

Digital India initiative will provide broadband in 2.5 lakh villages, universal phone connectivity with the help of NOFN, Net Zero Imports by 2019. Also, 400,000 Public Internet Access Points as well Wi-Fi in 2.5 lakh schools, all universities; Public Wi-Fi hotspots for citizens will be provided. 1.7 Cr IT, Telecom and Electronics Jobs will be created by training citizens as well 8.5 indirect jobs. E-Governance & eservices will be provided across government. IT use in services like health, education, and banking will make India a leader country. Citizens will be digitally empowered by using public cloud and internet access.

The Digital India once implemented will be executed effectively as there are already 173 million mobile Internet users in India in December, 2014 and Internet users in India is expected to reach 213 million by June 2015, as per a report Mobile Internet in India 2014 released by IAMAI and IMRB International launched at an event.





Challenges before Digital India

The Government of India entity Bharat Broadband Network Limited which executes the National Optical Fibre Network project will be the custodian of Digital India (DI) project. BBNL had ordered United Telecoms Limited to connect 250,000 villages through GPON to ensure FTTH based broadband. This will provide the first basic setup to achieve towards DI and is expected to be completed by 2017. The Digital India initiative is a promising initiative of the Indian Government. Many companies have shown their interest in this project. It is also believed that E-commerce would facilitate the Digital India project. However, it is not free from challenges and legal hurdles. Some believe that Digital India cannot be successful till mandatory bcb e-governance services in India are introduced. Having incomplete implementation of the National e-Governance Plan of India will only affect the success of the Digital India project. India has poor regulations in the field of privacy protection, data protection, cyber law, telegraph, e-governance, e-commerce, etc. Further, many legal experts believe that e-governance and DI without cyber security is useless. The cyber security trends in India have exposed the vulnerability of Indian cyberspace. Even the National Cyber Security Policy 2013 has not been implemented till now. In these circumstances, Critical infrastructure protection would be a really tough task to manage for the Indian Government. The project also lacks the concept of proper E-waste management. Related Initiatives The DI initiative must be read along with the Draft Internet of Things (IoT) Policy of India. However, the problems, the challenges and the deficiencies in the Indian legal structure remain the same. Civil Liberties Issues Initiatives like DI and IoT would be required to comply with the Civil liberties requirements in general and civil liberties protection in cyberspace in particular. India has not given any importance to privacy and privacy laws so far. Indian government indulges into Mass surveillance in India and projects like Aadhaar, Central Monitoring System, Netra, NATGRID, etc. are


operating without any law and parliamentary oversight. The intelligence agencies of India like Intelligence Bureau and law enforcement agencies like Central Bureauof Investigation are operating for decades without any law and parliamentary scrutiny. DI and IoT would further strengthen the mass surveillance activities of the Indian Government if proper procedural safeguards are not implemented and practiced.

Lack of coordination among departments

It is very large project which including many departments so a strong and timely support is most important for the timely completion of the projects High cost of Implementation: - A very high amount is required to implement the all project of DI plan .approx Rs.1.13Trillion (Including ongoing and new Projects)

Infrastructure ;- National Optic Fibre Network (NOFN) Project is planning to build a high speed broadband highway .but still we need other supportive Infrastructure such as robust and large data center for managing a large data of entire country .

Time Overrun:-NOFN Project has been delayed several times and suffering two years so it also delayed other projects .Timely completion of the projects is most important for the successful of the projects.

Participation of Private Players:-so many regularities checks and long and delayed projects breaking entering private players in Digital India Projects .Private companies will play a crucial role in its success


Other Challenges

Digital India initiation also face some challenges like: Privacy Protection[, Data Protection, Cyber Law, Telegraph, E-Governance and E-Commerce Etc. Recently, ninth India Digital Summit was been hosted by the Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI) in New Delhi on Jan.2015 to discuss the plans of Digital India Initiative. There the increment in mobile wallets in India for payment and e-commerce infrastructure was been discussed by a panel, as over 60% of Indian citizens still deal in cash and don’t have bank accounts, so in order to establish digital transaction mobile wallets are very essential.






With the adoption of Digital India Project, India will have a powerful digital infrastructure. All educational institutions and government services will soon be able to provide digital services round the clock. More employment prospects will open for the youth that will boost the nation’s economy. Tech giants from all over the world are willing to actively IMPACT India’s economy has witnessed a significant economic growth in the recent past by growing7.3 per cent in 2015 as against 6.9 per cent in 2014. The steps taken by the government in recent times have shown positive results as India’s gross domestic product (GDP) at factor cost at constant (2011-12) prices 2014-15 is Rs 106.4 trillion (US$ 1.596 trillion), as against Rs 99.21 trillion (US$ 1.488 trillion) in 2013-14, registering a growth rate of 7.3 per cent. This clearly shows that the Digital India initiative introduced by Indian government has contributed a lot to boost the economy of the country. The Digital India project itself will create employment opportunities for 17 million people directly or indirectly which will help in fighting against unemployment problems in India. Government has planned to give IT training to 100 million students in smaller towns and villages as employment opportunity in IT sector is very high in India. In the next 5 years, India will emerge to be a leader in using IT in sectors like health, defense, education, agriculture and banking. Also the service sectors will be digitally empowered. In the field of education, it also assures broadband connectivity in all panchayats, schools, libraries and other public places. Apart from Broadband connectivity, every village is provided with universal phone connectivity across the country. Mobile and internet banking can improve the financial inclusion in the country and can create win-win situation for all parties in the value-chain by creating an interoperable ecosystem and revenue sharing business models. Telecom operators get additional revenue streams while the banks can reach new customer


groups incurring lowest possible costs. The digital inclusion among the country ensures the manufacturing sector to revive the electronics manufacturing. With the Make in India campaign and Digital India, the nation is planning to achieve net zero imports by 2020.

This ensures the exports will be equal to the imports and this helps in the economic development of the nation. With the introduction of mobile connectivity in all villages, unique single portal can be maintained for all government related services. This ensures that all databases and information should be in electronic form and not manual. Next to crude oil, Electronics hardware comprises major parts of imports in India. Since India is a service based country and till now we have focused only on software development, with the advent of Digital India, with its stress on making India a manufacturing hub will change the trend.Figure-2: India’s Import of Software and Hardware In Million USD World’s leading research firm McKinsey has commented that the adoption of new technologies and innovative ideas across sectors by the Digital India


programme will help India boost its GDP by $550 billion to $1 trillion by 2025.Thus, the estimated impact of Digital India by 2019 would be cross cutting, ranging from broadband connectivity in all Panchayats, Wi-Fi in schools and universities and Public Wi-fi Hotspots. The programme will generate huge number of IT, Telecom and Electronics jobs, both directly and indirectly. Success of this programme will make India Digitally empowered and the leader in usage of IT in delivery of services related to various domains such as health, education, agriculture, banking, etc. The Digital India program is just the beginning of a digital revolution, once implemented properly it will open various new opportunities for the citizens. Participate in this campaign. The outcome of Digital India is to produce Wi-Fi locations for people, creating job, universal phone connection, High speed internet , Digital Inclusion, e- Services, e-Governance, Digitally motivated people, National Scholarships Portal , Digital Lockers System, e-education and e-health making India to be pioneer in IT use solution.






Digital India is innovative and technological, as India is developing nation becoming world leader in various sectors. Our Priminister wanted it to make digital. The creation of digital infrastructure of nation. Delivering services digitally to all people of nation. Creating Digital literacy. Aim of creating Digitally Empowered Society, Digital Infrastructure, Broadband Highways, E-Governance, E-Kranti, Electronic Development Fun etc…….. Its dream of every Indian that nation should become powerful in all aspect.

This is the dream of first person of India i.e. Mr. Narendra Modi and all citizen of nation.

Its platform for the growth and development of nation and its people digitally.


There is no doubt in it. India is ready for this. Immediately with the introduction of this campaign, many organizations came forward to lend their hands for achieving India a digitally equipped country. Organizations like BSNL, Reliance Ltd. are coming forward to spread digitalization among rural areas. And over 42000 villages all over India will be having seamless mobile connectivity by 2018. The Internet Saathi initiative aims to cover 4,500 villages over the next 18 months, starting with Gujarat, Rajasthan and Jharkhand. India is aiming to achieve universal digital literacy across the country. The prime importance is to make sure every individual can be able to leverage the potential of Digital India. The focus is at least one person in a household should transform into an e-literate. This can be achieved by BBNL which is planning to connect 2, 50,000 panchayats under the scheme. This will ensure the digitization and connectivity of local institutions like panchayats offices, schools, other government offices and libraries etc. India is reforming its government through technology in the name of E-Governance with


the advancement of technology and digitalization. Under the e-governance programme, out of 252 schemes planned, 222 services have been provided in short span of time. The nine pillars of Digital India programme clearly confirms that India as a nation is at its nascent stage. One can easily assure that India will be digitally ready in the next three years.

The Digital India program is just the beginning of a digital revolution, once implemented properly it will open various new opportunities for the citizens. It is one of the highly ambitious programs of Indian government, and is directly monitored by Hon’ble Prime Minister of India. While there are many obstacles in the path of Digital India program, one major of which is electricity. But this problem will soon be solved as there will be pressure on local leaders to get electricity in their village when Digital India program will be running in the nearby villages. Also, it will open gates for employment as Telecom Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad said while addressing students at Shri Ram College of Commerce: “IT gives employment to about 30 lakh people. Once Digital India becomes reality, we can give jobs to five crore plus people.”

Digital India is ambitious programme of Government of India. it was started to transform India into digital world ,empowered society and knowledge economy .Government services will provided to citizen with the E-services (For policies implementation) and E-governance (For Government Department )as it will take speed in implementation as a economy will emerge with more transparency ,speedy implementation of government policies ,reducing corruption , more productivity ,less paper work ,more employment more informative way. Services like E-Kranti, My many more portal services creates a knowledge economy .information is a backbone of speedy

decision which helps in growth of economy. Millions of jobs, mobile connectivity, internet highway, on line information and many other things create a new India


  1. fundamental of investment
      2.  investment
     3.  what is audit
     4. what is corporate governance

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